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Order PDF pages

Change the page order of a PDF.

How to order pages from a PDF document?

  1. Import your PDF document

    Drop the file for which you want to order the pages in the drop area. You can also use the file explorer.
    Once the PDF is imported, you have now access to the tool.
    You can modify the file in the left side panel.

  2. Order your document pages

    Just click on the arrows below the pages to move them right or left.
    You can also use drag and drop to move your pages faster.
    Use quick actions, in the right side panel, to move multiple pages at once. Select the range of pages you want to reorganize, and select their new position. Once ready, click the "move pages..." button to apply the reordering.
    In case of error, cancel your changes using the "reset" button.

  3. Download the PDF document

    Once everything is fine, you can download your brand new file by clicking on the "download" button.

Order pdf pages fast

Change pages order in a few seconds

Are the pages of your PDF document out of order? Do not waste time editing the initial document to export it again in PDF. Edit it directly on our quick and easy to use tool.
Safety first

Edit your documents securely

If your PDF contains confidential or sensitive data, don't panic. We guarantee that your documents and their content are not transferred to a server, nor interpreted.
Live PDF viewer

Real-time preview

Where some PDF tools let you rearrange a document with just buttons, our tool lets you do it with a real-time preview. Edit the order of the pages directly on the viewer, page by page or several pages at once.
Free online tool

100% free, for everybody

No account required, no payment required: that's the magic of Visual PDF. All of our tools are available for free, including the move PDF pages tool.
Online software

Order PDF pages from anywhere

It doesn't matter where you are, and what device you're using. You can use our PDF solutions easily from any Internet browser.
Easy to use, no updates

Guaranteed high availability

We never let you down for your daily tasks. Our online application is available any time of the day, so you can organize your PDFs anytime.

Why organizing PDF pages can be helpful

There are many reasons why you would like to change the order of PDF pages, but here are the most common cases and benefits of doing this:
  • you generated a PDF from software that does not allow great customization, but you would like to rearrange the pages to your liking.
  • you generated a PDF from a text editor, but you want to change or correct the order of the pages at the last moment. Do not regenerate your document completely, modify it easily with Visual PDF!